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Our Signature Services are based on Gallup CliftonStrengths® (formerly StrengthsFinder) and the philosophy of the Founder, Dr. Don Clifton. He famously asked, “What will happen if we think about what is right with people, rather than fixating on what is wrong?” We use a Strengths-Coach to answer that question.

Do you ever wonder why you make certain choices? Why you like certain things? Why some activities give or take your energy?  There’s a reason. It’s your Strengths!


Your strengths are like hidden superpowers that shape how you experience the world, yet many of us underestimate them. They're a dominant part of who you are, always influencing how you think, feel, and act every day.

That's where a Strengths-Coach comes in. We help you discover your natural talents and understand how they impact your life. We also explore how they may inadvertently hinder your progress.


Why a Strengths Coach?

Working with a Strengths-Coach isn't just about self-discovery – it's about gaining valuable tools to tackle life's challenges and seize opportunities.

It's a journey of self-awareness and empowerment that leaves you with a deep understanding of your worth and potential.  It will crystallize the unique value you bring and pinpoint what you need to be at your best.


This positive and empowering experience shows you how to tap into your natural talents to improve performance, relationships, well-being, and more. Research shows it can deliver 3X higher quality of life.


CliftonStrengths Assessment offers reports designed for Students, Individuals, Leaders, Managers, and Sales. We pick the one that suits you best. From there, we use a strengths-based approach to help you grow and succeed, both personally and professionally.

Discover Your strengths
  • Gallup leads the way in the Science of Strengths, drawing from over 85 years of research and analytics.

  • It has stood the test of time and empirical scrutiny.

  • Trusted by 90% of Fortune 500 companies and taken by over 31 million people, CliftonStrengths delivers results.

  • Gallup's research reveals that individuals are 3X excellent quality of life and 6X more engaged.

  • Users feel they have a better quality of life, higher engagement, more confidence, achieve their goals, better wellbeing, and reduced negative emotions, etc.

How it Works?

  • The CliftonStrengths Assessment helps you unlock your unique talents. It answers the questions, "Who am I?" and "What makes me unique?"

  • There are 34 talentswhich are naturally recurring patterns of thought, feeling, or behavior.

  • These talents represent the ways you instinctively approach tasks, interact with others, and respond to challenges.

  • Unlike other assessments that put you in a box, the CliftonStrengths report is as unique as a fingerprint. It looks at how your talents work together and gives you a personalized description.

  • Research shows that Talent + Investment = Strength. This means we all have natural abilities that we can develop.

  • A Strengths Coach guides you on this journey.

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